Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

Change and ease are always good when you’re ready for it! Would love the unpacking of the Tibi style class induced purchases! I’ve been so fascinated by how Tibi builds community, and recently crossed the line into my first non-sale purchase, which I love but rationally know was overpriced for the quality 🫣

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Change and ease -- it's the best when you feel in your bones that it's a good thing.

It might take me a while to get my thoughts sorted about Tibi, but I do have a lot of thoughts!

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

Would love to hear your thoughts on the Tibi Style Classes! I’m not American so I have to be super, ridiculously careful when I’m buying Tibi. But I do want to support Amy as her style classes, and the fact she responds to private DMs, have literally changed my life. Not an exaggeration!

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I will start a draft very soon!

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Addicted to Tibi style class so eager to here all your thoughts. For me it is entirely entertainment and a fantasy as I have a Target budget, and I dress so very simply. But I love to hear Amy talk about her ideas, and have learned a lot….that I still have to use a Target budget to apply. If only Target Style Class were a thing, but run by Amy 🤣

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Tibi Style Class thoughts will be in the works!

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This might be the most sane and grounded approach I’ve read in months. I am all for a no-buy and the things we can learn. I’ve also gone through heavy acquisition periods but I would much rather land where you are; not shopping for anything but leaving space for a beautiful SOMETHING (in my case I have a few holes in my wardrobe I’d love that something to take the shape of 😉).

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Thank you Kelly, much appreciated!

There should almost always be space for a beautiful something. Note to self: NOT ten or twenty somethings...

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Sep 9Liked by Tiia VM

It's lovely to read Your texts, You're such a good writer! It's also interesting to read You thoughts. I also sold quite a lot of my beloved vintage pieces. Those I thought, only one year ago, I would keep forever. But as a woman reaching my 50's next year I no longer feel comfortable in dressing 'retro'. It has been a process over time. As You wrote, shoes is another capitle, but I'm planning to clean out a part of my shoe collection the coming weeks. I'm reaching for the same pairs over and over again, mainly the newest (albeit secondhand) ones. Feet are changing over time....

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Thank you for your nice words! I so appreciate your support!

I think there's a way to wear vintage, no matter what your age is. But I, too, notice that there are some vintage styles that don't feel quite right anymore.

Isn't it crazy how our feet change when we get older? I've noticed that too. Comfort is so essential with shoes. I can't even imagine the types of shoes I used to wear when I was younger. I couldn't do it anymore.

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Sep 10Liked by Tiia VM

Feet and noses are growing a life time....

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Sep 9Liked by Tiia VM

“Life’s too short to not allow a beautiful surprise to sneak up on you. “ You are such a great writer…!

This brought me so much peace. I am a nowhere near where you are right now but felt so peaceful reading your thoughts.

It also aligns with what I imagine was normality pre-Internet, for well dressed, stylish folk.

I haven’t fully wrapped my mind around the older women discarding their former treasures. I guess I like the Iris Apfel persona LOL

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Thank you, Teresa, for your kindness and support!

Well, now that you mention Iris Apfel, I understand the need to collect and keep, too. Didn't Iris have a whole separate apartment for her clothing collection? Maybe it was a storage facility? I can't remember. Who knows, if I had that kind of wealth, maybe I'd be more serious about my collecting, too!

I think Irene is really onto something when she talks about wardrobe editing. If it's a source of anxiety, then you have to learn to let go. If not, it's a good place to be. To not have anxiety and to still have the willingness to do an edit -- this is a new situation for me, entirely. I have never experienced this before.

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

All the best with the changes afoot for your shop, it sounds like a very exciting few months ahead. I love where you've arrived with your shopping habits and the deep trust you have in your intuition about what to keep and what to let go of. I have treated my low-buy as guardrails against my impulses, but I also look forward to the day I can fully trust my gut. (Also, the hat looks very cool!)

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Thank you, Lin!

Exciting (albeit terrifying) few months ahead, for sure. I look forward to the changes and I can only hope that these are the right decisions. My old therapist used to say that once a decision has been made, it's the correct one, so I'll just try to go with that.

I've actually been thinking about doing the rule of five next year. I've bought quite a few vintage pieces this year, things that aren't super practical, things that I've "saved"... it's mostly spontaneous purchases. I don't have it in me to feel guilty about any of them, but I'm curious about the rule of five anyway. Maybe because I have a hard time trusting myself that my current mood/luck/"being in the zone" could continue? I'll have to give it some more thought. Your experiences with the rule of five have been really fascinating and inspiring to follow.

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Sep 11Liked by Tiia VM

That advice from your therapist is brilliant, I will be thinking about that as I mull over a few "life decisions" of my own.

I think what's been interesting for me is that the Rule of Five doesn't feel like punishment! It has simplified things in some ways (simply deciding to have fewer things) and enriched the process of shopping in other ways (slowing down makes for more appreciation). I think I had to "fail" a few times before I landed in a frame of mind that makes this possible..

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

So much in the same frame of mind. Not in a “no buy” - looking at my clothes, much of which I have had a long while ( 20 years+!) some newer, I just feel I am in a good place. If. See something I am truly inspired by, then perhaps I will purchase but it has to be pretty fab and I have to have a plan to actually wear it!

Re: Tibi, these past two seasons, I see a few wonderful pieces and then go in my closet and think - oh yeah, this is very similar or perhaps even better🙃

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Sounds like you're in the zone! That's the best mindset to have.

I haven't kept up with Tibi in a while, so I'm kind of oblivious to the pieces that they've come up with. Maybe I'll take a look before I write about Style Class, to see how the brand makes me feel after such a long break...

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

This was beautiful, this is the ease & patience I am seeking with myself and my wardrobe/presentation 💗Ty for sharing. I also don’t have much I “need” for fall - I went through my wardrobe and tried to find items that have an element of all the things I felt a pull for and so far feel pretty satisfied. Wanted suede, pulled out a gorgeous pair of brown suede boat shoe/bootie hybrids I thrifted last year. Wanted corduroy trousers in tan - well, I have perfect fitting ones in red for when I need texture and great wide leg khakis for when I want the color! Trying to just pause on the feelings and have fun with stuff for now. Shoes are tough though!! Really admire the mindset here - I don’t have to own something just because it is a beautiful thrift find! Will try and get there

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Shopping your own closet for that fall feel is so great! Now that you mention suede, I have a great pair of over the knee suede boots that I've had for fifteen years and I probably haven't worn in ten. Might be time to dig them out and try them...

For the most part I still like going to thrift stores, and because of my shop I will get to "save" great finds and find them new homes. I used to want to keep so much of what I found, but it's nice to be in a place now where I recognize that rehoming great finds is also very fulfilling. I don't have to keep them all myself.

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

I love the tiniest style class stuff to look at…..but in reality, in my current season of life I just don’t choose to,spend that much money on clothing. And I’m learning that’s ok

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Sounds like you have the right kind of mindset about your clothes and your life. Embrace the balance!

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I don't know how I missed this one, but I love this, and your approach seems so wise. Most of all that alligator necklace. O M G. I am in a mindset of wanting to take my best pieces out. I just went through ever pair of black pants I own, for example. There are treasures, and I want to "shop them" this fall.

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Ah, shopping your closet is the best sometimes! Taking out your best pieces sounds like a lot of fun and I'm all for it. I'm taking out my alligator (or is it caiman?) necklace asap!

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Tiia VM

I never understood the Tibi-verse popularity, so I'd love to read your thoughts! I think it's mainly because Tibi's not my style aesthetically, so I was never drawn into their content (also, I just don't find Amy that compelling of a presenter 🙈 I couldn't finish a full episode!)

Shade aside, I do know that many of the writers and creators I enjoy get a lot out of the style school, so I am genuinely interested in your reflections.

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"Tibi's not my style aesthetically -- yes, this is where I tripped up. I should have known better! Still learned a lot, so no regrets.

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Sep 16Liked by Tiia VM

None of us is immune (that’s why advertising is so lucrative!) I enjoyed reading your Tibi reflection post as always ❤️

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Sep 13Liked by Tiia VM

Tunnen itseksi tyhmäksi, kun en tiedä, mikä Tibi Style Class on! Enkä ole ottanut siitä selvää, vaikka olet maininnut sen täällä lukuisia kertoja. Köh.

Mutta juuri siksi se kiinnostaakin! Kerro, mikä se on, mitä olet sieltä oppinut, mikäli olet, ja mitä kaikkia ajatuksia se on sinussa herättänyt! Odotan suurella uteliaisuudella ja mielenkiinnolla!

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Tibi Style Class on käsittääkseni Euroopassa aika marginaalijuttu, enkä tiedä, puhutaanko siitä Suomessa ollenkaan, joten ei ole syytä tuntea oloaan typeräksi, kun et ole tiennyt siitä. Ihan kiinnostava konsepti ja olen jotain siitä oppinutkin, mutta helpommalla olisin selvinnyt, jos olisin jutellut henkilökohtaisen stylistin kanssa!

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Oli todella kiinnostavaa lukea siitä ja siihen liittyvistä ajatuksistasi ja muiden kommentteja!

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I’d love to hear more about Tibi! I think as a concept there’s a lot of great ideas there, but I’m not interested in any of the silhouettes and I find the execution impractical. But Amy and many folks influenced by her look amazing.

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Great ideas, impractical execution -- that's well-summarized!

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

I would LOVE to know your thoughts on the Tibi style classes! I subscribe to her substack and am genuinely interested in her book (yet to procure it, the AUD -> USD conversion makes it a very expensive tome!), but not sure yet if I am on board with or can ascribe to her aesthetic/approach to shopping/getting dressed...

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Your wish is my command! I have a lot of thoughts about Style Class!

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Sep 8Liked by Tiia VM

Would love the TIBI style class unpacking and can’t wait to hear more about the business change. I think we all could do better with our own binge/purge cycles whether buying new or vintage.

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Tibi Style Class piece will be coming your way! I have a lot of thoughts to share.

Binge/purge cycles are tough to break because they are so complex. It's all rooted in a fast fashion mentality where clothing is considered disposable and we don't attempt to build an emotional connection to what we buy. Like you said, it doesn't matter if we buy new or vintage, designer or fast fashion. The cycle is very wasteful.

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